There are several benefits from infrared technology that we all can benefit from. Here in the North East the winds are starting to pick up and pretty soon we will be seeing more snow. The infrared sauna is a great way to warm up instantly. It is different from other saunas because it warms you from the inside out not from the outside in like regular saunas.
Some benefits from the Far Infrared Saunas include a healthy weight loss without exercising. Infrared saunas can burn 400-600 calories in just one 30 minute session. In the chart below is a summary of how many calories a 150 pound person normally burns in 30 minutes of exercise:
Calorie Expenditure in common sports
Marathon Running 590
Rowing 600
Swimming (crawl stroke)300
Jogging 300
Tennis (fast game)265
Cycling (10 mph) 225
Walking 100
Weight loss is just one of the many benefits of regular use of Far Infrared Saunas. Fluid is part of the weight loss, but calories are also burned. Fat becomes water soluble at 100۫ F when it begins to dissolve,
it moves through the blood and finally is removed from the body, resulting in weight loss. Toxins are also eliminated through your skin using lower, comfortable temperatures, for rapid detoxification.
The temperature of a far infrared sauna is typically between 90۫ -120۫ F in contrast to a traditional sauna which operates between 180۫ -220۫ F. Even though the sauna operates at a lower temperature level the sweat output is more due to the far infrared penetrates your body at a much deeper level. Fat becomes water soluble at 100۫ F when it begins to dissolve, it moves through the blood and finally is removed from the body, resulting in weight loss. Toxins are also eliminated through your skin using lower, comfortable temperatures, for rapid detoxification
How do Far Infrared Saunas Work?
Far Infrared Saunas have been around for a long time, but only recently have become popular in North America. The Japanese have been using the Infrared Saunas for the past century and have enjoyed tremendous health benefits from them.
Infrared Saunas differ from a conventional sauna since the warm from the inside out rather than from the outside in, sweat is pushed out along with a lot of built up toxins.
1. Weight Loss
2. Detoxify Effect – improve health by ridding your body of toxins
3. Cardiovascular conditioning – can decrease heart failure and hypertension
4. Alleviates Muscle and Joint Pain – great for arthritis and rheumatism sufferers. They are also excellent for athletes when warming up or cooling down. This is due to muscles that are warmed by far infrared also increase in length.
5. Relieves Stress – will leave you feeling rejuvenated
6. Improved Immune System – increase resistance to disease
7. Improved Skin Tone and Elasticity
8. Helps Skin Problems; helps heal scars, burns, acne, eczema, psoriasis
9. Reduce Cellulite
DISCLAIMER: The information in this article is intended for educational purposes only. The author of this article is not a medically trained physician; therefore, any theories or suggestions put forward are intended to supplement and not replace the advice of medically or legally trained professionals.